
Senior Cat Care

With proper treatment and regular check-ups, today’s cats routinely live up to 18-20 years. As they age, like humans, there can be some additional health concerns, but if detected early, treatment is usually available and allow us to ensure a good quality of life for our senior friends.

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What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How to spot signs of ageing?

A cat is considered to be mature, once they reach 7 years of age. We may be starting to see some senior health issues any time at this stage. Once a cat reaches the old age of 11, they are definitely considered a senior and you can expect to notice changes in appetite, activity and overall behaviour. If your kitty reaches 15 or older, they are considered geriatric and will likely need some special care and consideration. Feel free to contact our clinic at any stage of your cat’s life and we will be happy to discuss what you can expect.

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

Weight loss is often an indicator of an underlying medical issue in a senior cat. Should your elder kitty be dropping weight, we recommend contacting the clinic and arranging for a complete health check-up.

How can I care for my senior cat?

Caring for your senior cat shouldn’t be a challenge. Proper nutrition is a vital piece of maintaining good health, our technicians are experts in the field and would be happy to discuss options. Annual check-ups that include comprehensive blood work and urinalysis will help to detect any medical issues early.

What are some common health issues?

Health issues in senior cats can be varied. Most common are kidney disease, thyroid issues, arthritis and dental disease.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

A change in behaviour often signifies an underlying medical problem. A complete physical exam by one of our veterinarians can rule out any physical issues. As cats live longer, we often see some cognitive changes as well. We may have to adapt to ensure our seniors can enjoy their “golden years.”

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