Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Image Reference: Pet Therapy Society of Alberta. Want to make a difference in the community? Do you have a dog, cat, or rabbit that is good with people? Sign your pet up for pet therapy or for pet visits. (more…)

Pet Therapy in Morinville: Pets Can Help People

Image Reference: Pet Therapy Society of Alberta. Want to make a difference in the community? Do you have a dog, cat, or rabbit that is good with people? Sign your pet up for pet therapy or for pet visits.

Pets and Thunder!

It is the Summer storm season around Morinville. Long, hot days are followed by nights where lightning fills the sky, chased by booms of thunder. These storms are either so interesting or so terrifying, depending on who you are.


Oral Tumours

When you bring your pet to Morinville Vet Clinic for a dental checkup, we are not just checking the mouth for dental problems. The vets and technicians are also checking the mouth for any growths that have developed. Unless you are in the habit of brushing your pets’ teeth, you...


Finding the Right Veterinarian

Finding the right veterinarian for you may be like finding a restaurant that is right for you.