

Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw

Here is all you need to know about the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 5/2016:

Do's and Don'ts at the Dog Park

Dog Park Etiquette – The Do’s and Don’ts

Dog parks have become a normal activity for many pet owners – the fenced green space, the ability to run freely, and of course, socialization with other dogs – and for us, other loving dog owners. You could say it’s really a community of its own!

Raw Food Diets

Deciding what to feed your beloved pet can be a confusing decision. In this age of internet, there is so much information from so many different “expert” sources to filter through. Discussions can be found about this diet, that diet, allergies, homemade, gluten free, corn free, and yes, even the RAW diet.

Ear Mites – FAQ

Most pet owners have heard of ear mites and are aware that they are a fairly common parasite among cats and dogs. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions among pet owners regarding ear mites. Below is a series of commonly asked questions written to hopefully correct some of those misconceptions.