This story is all too familiar. The humans have dug out their bags and suitcases, which are now filled with precarious looking clothing, shoes and strange scented creams. I crawl into the open suitcase and squat, I stare directly into the eyes of my betrayer. This can only mean one thing – and I am not happy! Who is going to feed me, pet me and most importantly make sure my poop is scooped?
All too soon I’m shuffled into my dark kitty crate of doom. I howl and call out to the humans as they maneuver their moving contraption into unknown territory. I’ve arrived and I smell the Morinville VET CLINIC. This can’t be good…
Through the steel grates that confine me to my crate I see a kind face that talks high pitched and loudly at me. She calls me handsome, this I already know so I guess I will give her a chance. I am betting she is here to do my bidding while my humans are on a beach somewhere! (Why they want to lay around on a mile long litter box surrounded by water I will never know.)
The kind face releases me from my crate into a brightly lit room with a large scratching tree. I can see the faces of other felines, I assume they are prisoners like me, however they look content, imbeciles. I announce my arrival and let everyone know I will not be toyed with!
Low and behold, days pass and I’ve become accustomed to this routine of being waited on paw and paw. I’m greeted promptly before the sun rises and my waste is cleared. My water & food is replenished. After breakfast, I lounge around the brightly lit room climbing the scratching tree and staring at the other prisoners. The kind face gives me my favourite treats and brushes my coat. I demand dinner and the kind face complies without apprehension. I’m served promptly with the usual crunchy kibble and what looks to be an extra-large scoop of moist pate. You’ve done well today servant, very well. (Still not as efficient as mom but a very close second).
All too soon I’m greeted by my humans who have seemed changed in colour. The Misses coos loudly at me and promptly shuffles me back into my crate. My journey home has begun. I actually can’t wait for the next vacation…maybe next time I will not leave a special present in the human’s suitcase for them to find while they are away. I highly recommend the accommodations at the Morinville Vet Clinic. Their condos are second to none and make a great get-away because we know, every cat deserves nothing but the best!
Written by Morinville Veterinary Clinic