

Why Vaccinate My Puppy or Kitten?

The veterinarians at Morinville Veterinary Clinic have spent countless hours caring for pets.


5 Questions to Ask Your Vet

At Morinville Vet Clinic, we see a lot of different patients. While each one is an individual, all pets have a lot in common. As a pet owner, there are certain things to focus on when you bring your dog or cat for its annual exam.


Winter in Morinville – Puppy, It’s Cold Outside

Somewhere in Canada today there is a person out for a walk with their dog, blissfully unaware that winter is coming and poses a risk to their pet. We do not have that luxury in Morinville, or anywhere in the Edmonton Region. In the past month, this area has had 30 cm of snow and […]


How to Help Your Pet Handle Thunderstorms

It is summer in the Edmonton area, and the mixture of heat and clouds brings...