
If you ask any veterinary technician at the Morinville Veterinary Clinic, you would be happy to hear that we love our jobs. After all, why would we be working in this field of work if we did not love it?  As much as we love our jobs there can be...

Ins & Outs of Being a Veterinary Technician by Jackie Gravel, AHT

If you ask any veterinary technician at the Morinville Veterinary Clinic, you would be happy to hear that we love our jobs. After all, why would we be working in this field of work if we did not love it?  As much as we love our jobs there can be...

Tick Talk

Probably, the majority of people in the Edmonton area that watch the news on a regular basis are aware of the increasing risk of ticks, and the risk of Lyme disease that goes with them. Based on the calls to Morinville Vet Clinic, a lot of people are concerned about...

Age is Not a Disease: Senior Pet Care

If you ask Dr High, or any of the staff at Morinville Vet Clinic that have been working for more than a decade, they will tell you that there are a lot more senior pets than there used to be. The main reason is that pet owners have started taking...


What Lies Below?

Despite what the calendar says, Spring does not seem to be coming to Edmonton anytime soon. While people on the West Coast have been mowing their lawns for more than a month, those from Westlock to Leduc cannot seem to put away their snow blowers.